65. So where do evolution and science fit into Christianity?

I personally grew up in a world where science and the bible did not conflict. Today aspects of modern science at its extremes has become a religion which claims to have relegated Christianity to a myth.


Cosmic evolution takes more faith than christianity... Nothing existed but suddenly energy and time and chance appeared and combined in an explosion known as the 'big bang' to produce the universe. This could best be described as 'a fanciful load of bollocks'. Please show me any experiment which demonstrates that any of this could ever happen anywhere.

Most of the claims of modern science in relation to the creation and what it can prove today are grossly exaggerated. One can speculate that if our assumtions are correct and, if certain chemical extrapolations are reliable, we can demonstrate that the earth 'is' ....1, 2, or even 6 billion years old. Contrary to science's claims, there are NO accurate ways of measuring the age of anything. All such measurements assume that the system is closed and that no variables ever impacted our world. Circular reasoning is exposed when we are told that the geological column dates the fossils but that the fossils date the geological column. And when one asks where the 'geological column' can be viewed in 'the observable science of reality'...the silence is deafening. Where in any place in the world can one view all the layers of rock which can all be verifiably and consistently aged and its fossil record demonstrated to match the supposed fossil record of that period. The fact is that this does not exist anywhere other than as a deliberately fraudulent construct to support what is no more than a figment of man's imagination.

The claim of macro evolution of life where water (which suddenly appeared from nowhere) ... then ran over rocks to form a pre-biotic soup from which life somehow evolved is so fanciful that no rational mind could ever regard this as a science. Please show me the REPEATABLE experiments on which basis such absurd speculation could be regarded as 'science'.  The 1958 Miller Urey experiment which is the supposed basis on which this is 'proven' possible has NEVER been repeated or enhanced because it was fraudulent from its inception. Surely with the advances in real science that the world has seen since 1958 this would have built on this starting point to prove the possiblity of the evolution of life from chemicals? Now how about explaining what consciousness is...and how that could have been 'evolved'?

The fossil record which 'evolutionists' claim proves the evolution of mankind from apes is littered with falsified and grossly exaggerated 'discoveries' and claims and speculation and is certainly not worthy of being acknowleded as 'science'. The greatest critics are the worlds other scientists when dismantling other palientologists 'acclaimed' finds. Most are quickly relegated to being hoaxes ...but still appear today in museums as if they are facts simply because no other REAL discoveries exist.

The same applies to 'proofs' that any kind of animal evolved from another kind. These are speculations which are totally without scientific foundation. Please note that the total lack of supportive fossil evidence of transitions actually DISPROVES evolution. 

However minor changes within each of the animal species are clear for us to view....the dog species includes wolves, jackals, hyenas and domesticated versions from great danes to poodles. BUT there is no proof that a dog ever evolved from a cat ... or anything else from any other species.Please note that all of these observable changes involve the LOSS of genetic information and NEVER involve the ADDITION of new genetic data.


Yes, the science of genetics has been awesome .. but it starts with acknowleging that order and design containing incredibly detailed and intricate information is the foundation of life. This requires a source which is 'Other'...we as christians know this source as God. Man is certainly NOT a random product of time and chance and matter and energy....he is awesomely designed.  From this point...after acknowledging a divine creator we can proceed to conduct real science.

This is why almost every great scientist of history was a christian.


So what does the bible say about creation? ...can we trust the scriptures?


As believers we put our faith in Jesus...so lets look at what He taught


John 10:35  ... (and the Scripture cannot be broken )  NKJV
Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earthNKJV
This is part of the 'scripture' which Jesus assures us CANNOT be broken.
Matt 19:4   And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,' 5 and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?  6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."  NKJV
Jesus acknowledged the creation of both the heavens and the earth AND mankind as being 'at the beginning' ... not six billion years later.
Let us be clear what is at stake...Do you believe the bible is the Word of God?
God tells us that just as He created Adam as a mature man (rather than as an infant who needed to grow up) ...and that the trees were fully formed (rather than being seeds)...and these trees already had fruit on them for Adam to eat from day 6. In this same way God tells us He created the earth as a MATURE structure ...already ripe and suitable for man to live on. The trees needed soil already so this is the way God made it... this was not the result of millions of years of erosion. Yes, brethren we need to accept that the age of the rocks is merely 'a product of the way GOD made them'.
If we first have to assume that God could not and did NOT make the world because He does not exist ... then we are merely participating in meaningless speculation and not science.
The dating processes are nothing short of an absolute hoax based on totally fallacious assumptions. 
Circular reasoning and faith in 'evolution' (which has it's main principle the denial of the existence of God and His involvement in creation) ... results in 'proof' that the bible is inaccurate. This is a joke when one realises that the intent of this world view is to disprove the very existence of God...as is the phoney claim which follows ...of the bible being flawed and obsolete.
Also man was created in God's image...God does not change or evolve so we can conclude that man and woman do not evolve according either to the scripture.
Can we see a 'gap' between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1? (Yes, this could be read into the text but it is not supported anywhere else in the scriptures. Further the so-called problem of the fossill record is not adressed unless we assume that a parallel 'creation' existed prior to the period when the earth which was 'without form and void'. The 'beginning' would then be 'a new beginning' which is never identified elsewhere in the scriptures. Science  would still find numerous inconsistencies based on their view of geological 'evidence' so the disconnect would still not resloved anyway.)
Man and woman did not evolve...they were the crowning glory of the creation and woman was a purpose made life partner equal to man.... created for the purpose of reproduction. God created mankind in His own image ...He tells us that we did not evolve into the form we are now...we started exactly as we are. The proof for this is that God Himself does not change... Mal 3:6
John 8:44  You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning , and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. NKJV
Jesus tells us that the devil's plan was always to destroy (kill) God's creation. The death that the devil brought about was in the first instance, spiritual death or separation from God who is our 'life source'. Satan's prime work is to get man to loose faith in God ...and what He has said. 'Has God really said...?' is a question still being asked today by the 'god of this world' though so-called evolutionary 'science'. 
Mark 2:27 And He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.  NKJV
God custom-made the world ...and even time (days, weeks, etc) FOR man and woman (to give them allocated time to work, sleep and rest ...and enjoy living)
Matt 24:37   But as the days of Noah  were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah  entered the ark,  39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  NKJV
Jesus tells us that Noah was a literal historical person (as the days of Noah were)...and also that the flood as a fact of history. The historical nature of the scripture with its ages and days and dates should leave us with no doubts that God intended the book to be a verifiable record of civilisation.
So now ask yourself why the secular record of historically verifiable civilisations is virtually non-existent prior to 4000 BC ? ..... I contend that this is simply because that is when God says He created mankind.

I find it easier to trust God who was there and who tells us that HE made it


Job 38:4   "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?  NKJV
Ps 139:14  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Marvelous are Your works  NKJV
I have heard many ask how the light from the furthest stars which are 6 billion light years away reached the earth... if the earth is only 6000 years old. This is simply a failure to realise GOD's creative power to do this in an instant. The bible tells us God said 'let there be...and it WAS SO!
Gen 1:14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. NKJV
God is not limited by the Laws of Nature ....HE created them!
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