67a. Scriptures showing that Messiah's death in AD33 signalled the imminent end of the Old Covenant and His coming in the Judgment of Israel before AD73

Matthew 24:3 (NKJV)
3  Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" 


In response to the question about WHEN the destruction of the temple and all these associated prophecied events were to take place, and what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus refers the apostles to contents of the passage Daniel 9:24-27.

Dan 9:24-27

vs 24 Seventy weeks are determined - The specified time for the events cannot be extrapolated beyond the generation of people living when Jesus commenced his ministry in AD 30. (the type or shadow of the UNBROKEN seventy years of captivity in Babylon determines the duration of the period it foreshadows)

vs 24 ... for your people - The focus of the determined or appointed time was upon ISRAELITES ... i.e. your people (and NOT the Gentile nations or on the church).

vs 24 ... and for your holy city - The location of the judgment coming was Jerusalem (not Rome or USA)

vs 24 ... to finish the transgression - The trangression was finalised when Israel 'filled up the measure of their guilt' by firstly crucifying their Messiah and then persecuting and killing His apostles as well (Deut 18:15&19, Luke 11:49-51, Mat 23:32, 1 Thes 2:16 and Rev 18:6 and 19:2)

vs 24 ... to make an end of sins - Jesus put away sin by His death for our sins (Heb 10:26)

vs 24 ... to make reconciliation for iniquity - Jesus made reconciliation for iniquity on the cross (2 Cor 5:19&21, Is 53:6&10)

vs 24 ... to bring in everlasting righteousness - Jesus by His sacrifice gives us His everlasting righteousness - eternal life and never again facing judgment or being condemned (John 5:24, Rom 10:3, 2 Peter 3:13, Rev 21:2-4)

vs 24 ... to seal up vision and prophecy - Jesus was to fulfill 'ALL things written by the Law and Prophets' concerning Himself by completing His work (Luke 18:31 and Mat 24:34) 'BEFORE this generation' i.e those who rejected and  crucified Him passed away (ie AD 73) i.e. ALL Old Testament visions and prophecies concerning Jesus are now sealed up because they were ALL fulfilled by AD70 for us as New Covenant believers.

vs 24 ... to anoint the Most Holy - Jesus now sits on the throne in Heaven in the glory He had with the Father before the world was. His enemies (the Jews who rejected and killed Him) were made His footstool in AD 70.


But in vs 26-27 Daniel tells us of more events which Jesus was talking about with the apostles in Mat 24

vs 26 ... Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself - Jesus death as a sacrifice for the sins of the world was prophecied.



vs 26 ... the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary - The Roman armies would make war against the Jews and destroy both Jerusalem and the Temple (Luke 21:20, Mat 24:1, 15-16)

vs 26 ... the end of it shall be with a flood and till the end of the war desolations are determined - The coming destruction would bring the END of the relevance of Jerusalem and the temple ... God would no longer dwell in a temple made by human hands and no longer would the covenant which Jerusalem and the temple represented have any futher significance.

vs 27 ... he shall bring an end to sacrifices and offering - The destruction of the temple has ensured the end of Old Covenant sacrifices and offerings. Since AD70 NO sacrifices have been offered and the Law of Moses can NO LONGER and has NO LONGER been practiced as required in the Torah since this event. This was the END of the age (of the Law - Mat 24:3) which the apostles asked about.

vs 27 ... on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate - The coming 'abomination of desolation'  related specifically to events occurring at the AD70 destruction of Jerusalem and the temple which ENDED the Law of Moses. (Desolation refers to making the city and temple uninhabitable ... God no longer dwells in a temple made by human hands Acts 7:48, Rev 21:3, 22)


Brethren please read the history specifically Josephus' War of the Jews' book 4 and 5. You will then know that these events have already happened just as Jesus quoting from the Law and Prophets stated they would ...and all before 'THIS generation' (the one that Jesus actually spoke to) had passed away.


Further to confirm this ....  

There are (it is said) 318 time statements in the New Testament scriptures which also tell us that with the death of Jesus as the Messiah, the end of the Old Covenant was imminent in AD33. The promised return or second coming of Jesus on clouds to judge resurrected Israelites would be demonstrated by the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple which would effectively terminate the Old Covenant with its sacrificial system ... and the ushering in the New Covenant (the kingdom of Heaven) in all its fullness. 


Below is my list of the key New Testament verses (excluding verses repeated in the other gospels) ...


Mat 3:2 (John the Baptist came) ...  saying "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"

Mark 1:15 (John the Baptist came) ...  saying "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand"

The kingdom of Israel was to about to be replaced with the promised kingdom of heaven which is the same as the kingdom of God. This event was not something that was to take place in 2000 years time but within the lifetime of those being told about it. 

Mark's gospel adds that the 'kiaros' or appointed/determined time was that which was fulfilled. This is the fulfillment of Dan 9:24.


Mat 3:7 'Brood of vipers. Who warned you to flee from the wrath (mello ie about) to come

The Greek word mello in the manuscripts indicates imminence. The wrath is prophecied in conjunction with Messiah's arrival in many of the OT prophets.


Mat 3:10 ... "even NOW the ax is laid to the root of the trees"

The promised judgment was to be on them.


Luke 3:10 ... "His winnowing fork is in His hand ... the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire"

The harvest was almost finished and the judgment was about to come on them.


Mat 4:17 (Jesus ... saying)  "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"

Jesus confirms that the promised kingdom of heaven was now available to those who accepted Jesus as the Messiah who was (then) to come to save Israel (Mat 1:21). 


Mat 5:17 (Jesus ... saying)  "Do not think I came to destroy the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."

Jesus tells the Jews in AD30 that He was the one who was to fulfill the judgement of Israel as promised by the Law itself and by the prophets. This included the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and would also be the ushering in of the promised new covenant ... i.e. the new way to enter the kingdom of heaven. Since AD33 gentile believers have had direct access through faith in Jesus and His sacrificial death for us. We have nothing more to be waiting for.


Mat 8:29 (the demons ... saying to Jesus)  "Have you come to torment us before the time (kiaros)".

Even the demons knew the appointed time (kiaros) was near but that it would only be after Jesus death as per Dan 9:26.


Mat 9:15 (Jesus... saying)  "The days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them."

Jesus refers to Dan 9:26 about His death to say to John's disciples that these days were now about to come. They knew that they would then (in AD33) be in the time 'after the 69th week' ... i.e the last days.


Mat 10:23 (Jesus... saying)  "When they persecute you in one city, flee to another. For assuredly I say to you, you will not have gone through all the cities of Israel BEFORE THE SON OF MAN COMES".

Jesus tells his disciples emphatically that His coming would be in their lifetimes i.e. YOU and before they would have gone to all the cities of Israel with the gospel after his death (to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles).


Mat 11:3 (John's disciples asking)  "Are you the Coming One or do we look for another."

The Jews were expecting the first coming of Messiah in AD 30 - they knew the timeline. They also knew that Jesus was going to be rejected and killed... and that this would trigger the second coming in judgment of Israel as per Daniel 9 and other prophets (Isaiah, etc)


Mat 11:14 (Jesus... speaking to the multitudes)  "He is Elijah who is to come"

Jesus refers to Malachi 4 to confirm that John was preparing that very generation of people for Messiah's arrival and they knew that this would be followed in due course by "the great and dreadful day of the Lord". (Judgment of Israel for having rejected and killing their Messiah and then also the apostles)


Mat 11:24 (Jesus... speaking to the people of Capurnaum )  "I say to YOU that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you"

Jesus again refers those He was speaking to who did not believe in Him and who would be responsible for killing Him, to the coming judgment which they knew from Mal 4:5 was also known as "the great and dreadful day of the Lord". (Judgment of Israel for having rejected and killing their Messiah and the apostles)


Mat 12:28 (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees)  "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God HAS COME upon YOU."

The Jews were expecting a worldly kingdom and not a spiritual one. This came into force with the first coming of Messiah in AD 30 and was about to be consummated at the cross and then would be fully available to believing Israelites after the destruction of the temple (1 Pet 4:12-13). The rejection of Messiah brought into train the series of events leading to the promised judgment of Israel. ("His blood be on US and our children")


Mat 12:32 (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees)  "whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."

The Jews were expecting a worldly kingdom and not a spiritual one. The age to come is where the Holy Spirit dwells in us individually as believers.


Mat 12:41 (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees)  "The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it "

The Jews knew from Deut 32:20 that in their last days they were to be a wicked and perverse/adulterous who would be judged. 


Mat 13:39-43 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "The harvest is the end of the age....the tares are gathered and burned in the fire at the end of this age ...Then the righteous will shine in the kingdom of their Father."

The Jews knew from Daniel 12:1-3 that Jesus was quoting from the prophecy about their judgment which was due in the generation alive in AD 33 (and would be finished when Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed (Dan 12:7) as happened in AD70) . 


Luke 13:25-29 (Jesus speaking to the Jews)  "When once the Master has risen up and shut the door and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door .... He will answer and say to you  'I do not know YOU where you are from. 'Then you will begin to say 'We ate and drank in your presence and and you taught in our streets' but He will say 'Depart from me all you workers of iniquity'"

The very Jews, the YOU who Jesus adresses in this passage, those who heard Jesus but refused to accept Him as the Messiah were the ones to be thrust out of the kingdom ...and the gospel went out to the Gentiles (Acts 13:44-48). The Jews of that time certainly knew they had been cast out of the kingdom when Jerusalem was destroyed along with the temple in AD70. (vs 35) "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ... See YOUR house is left to you desolate" (and according to Josephus, 1.1 million of them were killed and 90,000 taken away as slaves)


Mat 16:27 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels and then He will reward each according to His works"

Jesus had come in the flesh and was now confirming that His coming in glory to judge Israel as prophecied (in Daniel 7:13-14 and 12:1-3) would therefore also be at the time promised by Daniel.


Mat 16:28 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "Assuredly I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they SEE  the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."

Mark 9:1 ....till they see the kingdom of God present with power. 

Jesus here assures His disciples that He was coming to judge Israel BEFORE they had all passed away (i.e. it would be in the lifetime of SOME of them standing there) (Note this cannot be referring to the transfiguration as ALL the disciples were still living six days later and this event was NOT His coming in judgment on Israel as per the context of Daniel 9). This verse powerfully reinforces the time statement of Mat 24:34. ("THIS generation will by no means pass away till ...)

Note that the parallel verse in Mark shows us that the Son of Man coming in His kingdom of God is the same as the kingdom of God being present with power.


Luke 12:40  ... "ThereforeYOU also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect"

The tells his disciples that THEY need to be ready because THEY did not know and could not anticipate the exact time of His coming (though it would be within the limit of 'THIS generation').


Mat 17:11-12 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "Indeed Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. BUT I say to you that Elijah has come already.."

Jesus confirms that Elijah had come in the person of John the Baptist. The restoration of ALL THINGS was a process now set in place and was fulfilled only when the Old Covenant was vanished (Heb 8:13) revealing the full glory of the New Covenant. The restoration of 'all things' (Acts 3:19) speaks of the restoration of free and direct relationship of believers with God apart from the Law (which was ushered in by John the baptist and fulfilled for us by Jesus).  


Mat 18:23 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants."

Jesus was to come again to settle accounts with the Israelies as later detailed in Mat 23:32-38 ... which included the fiery destruction of Jerusalem and the temple  by the Romans (Dan 9:27) (along with the death of 1.1 million Jews and almost 100,000 of them being taken as slaves as recorded by Josephus).


Mat 19:28 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "Assuredly I say to you that in the regeneration when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"

The regeneration speaks of the time of 'restoration of all things' (Acts 3:19). Jesus confirms that the apostles would be resurrected and would be judging ISRAEL (Dan 9:24 and 12:1-3) because their names were written in the lamb's Book of Life (Luke 10:20, Phil 4:3 and Rev 20:12&15). The regeneration is also 'the age to come'. They were not going to be waiting for 2000 or so years for this event to come. As New Covenant believers we too are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph 2:6).


Mark 10:33-34 (Jesus speaking to the disciples)  "Behold we are going to Jerusalem ...the chief priests and scribes ....will condemn  ...and kill Him. And the third day He will rise again"

Jesus tells the apostles how He was going to fulfill all the prophecies concerning His death and resurrection. This was to occur in the 69th week of Daniel  9:26. The end was then to come after the events detailed in Mat 24:1-29 by Jesus before AD73 (Mat 24:34) ... confirmed by the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple as per Dan 9:27 and Jesus in Mat 24:2.


Mat 21:40-41, 43 (Jesus speaking to the chief priests and elders)  "When the owner of the vinyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers? ...They said to Him 'He will destroy those wicked men miserably' "

Jesus had come as the Son of God and was in the main rejected by the Jewish religious leaders of His time and then killed. THESE men were the ones to be judged and those who sided with them. Verse 45 tells us that the chief priests and pharisees KNEW Jesus was speaking of them. (This as no relevance to us as gentile believers today or even non-believers). This judgement was certainly fulfilled in AD70.

(See also Luke 20:9-16 ... 'and give the vineyard to others' - Israel is no longer God's 'chosen people' since AD70. 1 Pet 2:9 confirms that the CHURCH now is the holy nation referred to in vs 43 above).


Mat 22:2, 6-7 (Jesus speaking to the chief priests and elders)  "The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, ... .... the rest seized his servants and treated them spitefully and killed them. When the king heard about it he was furious and he sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned up their city"

Jesus had warned his apostles that they too would be killed (Luke 11:49) and Acts records this starting from Stephen being stoned.  THESE murderers and THEIR city was to be the focus of God's wrath and judgment. (This has no relevance to us as gentile believers today or even non-believers). This judgement was certainly fulfilled in AD70.


Mat 23:29-38 (Jesus speaking to the scribes and pharisees)  "Woe to you scribes and pharisees  ...  you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up then the measure of your fathers guilt. How shall YOU escape the condemnation of hell? Therefore I send you prophets, wise men and scribes ... who you will kill and crucify and scourge and persecute ...that on YOU may come all the righteous blood shed on earth ... Assuredly, I say to YOU, all of these things shall come upon THIS generation.

The vengeance on the wicked for the slaying of innocent blood is a theme that runs through the bible. (Deut 32:43 to Rev 18:20&24, 19:2). It was emphatically to be on THAT generation ... the YOU who Jesus adressed in AD 33 being the corrupt and godless leaders who later said "His blood be on US and OUR children". (History records that with the fiery destruction of Jerusalem and the temple came the death of 1.1 million Jews and almost 90,000 of them being taken as slaves ...  according to Josephus).


Mat 23:37-38 (Jesus speaking to the scribes and pharisees)  "O Jerusalem Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her (ie apostles)  ... See your house is left to you desolate."

Jesus again makes it clear what the target of God's wrath was. JERUSALEM and its temple (not Rome or Los Angeles or New York). This happened in AD70 with the fiery destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans as prophecied above (and in Dan 9:27) (and as recorded by Josephus). Even today there is NO temple in Jerusalem. God will never again dwell in a building made by human hands (Rev 21:3).


Mat 24:1 'Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple'

Jesus leaving the temple was not a coincidence. Jesus was the manifestation of God's glory to mankind. Ichabod was the son of a malicious priest whose name meant 'the glory has departed from Israel'. God was over with the godless religion that Judaism had become at the hands of its godless leaders.


Mat 24:2  (Jesus speaking to His disciples)  "Do you not see all these things? Assuredly I say to you, not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down"

Jesus brings his disciples back to focus on the impending prophetic time clock. (Is 25:2&12, Dan 9:24-27) 


Mat 24:3  (disciples asking Jesus)  "Tell us, when will these things be?"

The disciples knew from the prophets that the destruction of the temple had been prophecied along with the destruction of Jerusalem. (Is 25:2&12, Dan 9:24-27). They also knew from Dan 9:26 that Messiah's coming death was to trigger the beginning of a series of events including wars. Daniel 12:1-3 however added additional 'things' including a time of great trouble (tribulation), the deliverance of the believers, the return of the Messiah for the resurrection of the dead and to reward the Israelite saints with everlasting life. The complete destruction of Israel as a nation and their covenant with God (as symbolised by the temple and Jerusalem) were the confirmation that ALL things prophecied had been fulfilled (Dan 12:7). 


Mat 24:3  (disciples asking Jesus)  "And what will be the sign of your coming?"

The disciples knew from the prophets that 'One like the Son of Man' was to come on the clouds of glory (Dan 7:13) to usher in the new kingdom of God in all its fullness. Please note that they were NOT expecting this second coming to be Jesus appearing in the form of a man as He did after His resurrection (Luke 24:36) ... (Otherwise Jesus would have said ...'when you see me you will know I have come'). Jesus adresses in more detail in later verses (30-31) concerning the form in which He would be returning. This was to be as prophecied in Daniel 7:13-14.


(In Mat 24:4-13 Jesus tells a period of time in which of false Christs, wars and rumours of wars, famines and earthquakes followed by persecution/ tribulation for believers and this followed by false prophets causing many Jewish followers to fall away or fail to endure. The events of this period were still applicable to the current generation addressed as "YOU") (Many of these events are recorded by Josephus for our verification.)


Mat 24:14  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then THE END will come"

Paul tells us in the book of Romans (10:18) and Colossians (1:23) that this requirement was met before AD62. The END which was then to come was not the end of the world (cosmos)... but the end of the age (aionos) (vs 3) of the Law of Moses and God's covenant with Israel. This was initiated by the 'great tribulation' (Dan 12:2) (described in horiffic detail by Josephus) and ended with the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem. The End was NOT an event which was to occur some 2000 years later.


Mat 24:15  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Therefore when YOU see the 'abomination of desolation' spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place ... "

Jesus tells them that this was an event which some of the apostles were actually going to SEE in their lifetime. (i.e. THIS generation)


Luke 21:20  (further detail ...Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Therefore when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near "

(vs 22) For these are the days of vengeance that all things written may be fulfilled ... For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon THIS people...THEY will fall by the sword...and be led away captive into all nations')

Jesus tells them that the abomination which causes desolation was the ROMAN armies which were to destroy the city and the temple (90,000 slaves being taken was recorded by Josephus and even images on the Arch of Titus which celebrated this victory can be viewed by sceptics today in Rome).


Luke 19:41-44  (Jesus speaking after weeping about Jerusalem)  "for the days are coming when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side and level you and your children within you to the ground and they will not leave in you one stone upon another because you did not know THE TIME of your visitation "

Jesus tells them that the time of His coming would be confirmed with the destruction of Jerusalem ... Reading the historical record of this event it is almost as though the Romans knew what Jesus had said and sought to follow HIS instructions (as recorded by Josephus). 


Mat 24:16 (Luke 21:24)  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains"

Jesus tells them THEY were to flee from the city and the area around it rather than into the fortress city which Jerusalem was... and according to Eusebius all '90,000 believers fled to Pella because they remembered the masters words'. The believers of that day KNEW what Jesus meant by these verses. First century believers LIVED through these events. These events have NO relevance to us today other than to confirm that the great tribulation was an event of HISTORY and will never be repeated (see next verse).


Mat 24:21  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."

Jesus having referred to Daniel (9:26 and 12:1) lets believers know that they would all be saved (whose names are written in the book Rev 20:21). Jesus also tells them that this was an event which was NEVER going to be repeated...'NO nor ever shall be'. This has no relevance to us as believers today except to assure us that we are safe in God's hands today.


Mat 24:23 & 26  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Then if anyone says to YOU 'Look here is the Christ' or 'There' do not believe it"  .... "if they say to you 'Look, He is in the desert' ... or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms' ... Do not believe it .. Do not look and do not go out' "

Jesus tells them His second coming was to happen AFTER the great tribulation and further that this second coming was NOT to be as a physical man in a single location. Anyone claiming to be Jesus in the flesh was from then on (and still is today) A FALSE christ and a FALSE prophet.


Mat 24:27  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "for as the lightning comes from the east to the west, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be."

Jesus tells us that his second coming was to be like a flash of 'lightning from the east to the west'  .... Jesus here tells us clearly that He was not going to be coming back in a material body as a man. Jesus today dwells IN and WITH all believers from the east to the west IN SPIRIT. He is the 'bright shining light' and the 'voice' the apostles heard and knew from then on was LORD. This is the REVELATION of who Jesus is ... God the Almighty Spirit ... YHWH.


Luke 17:20-21 (Jesus responds to Pharisees question about 'when the kingdom of God would come' ) "The kingdom of God does NOT come with observation. Nor will they say 'See here!' or 'See there!' For the kingdom of God is within you'"

The Jews knew from Dan 7:13-14 that the kingdom of God would come with Messiah coming on the clouds of glory. Jesus tells them this is not something their eyes will see but that they would know instantly within in their spirits that a cosmic change had occurred in the spiritual realm. At the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem the old covenant had passed away Heb 8:13 ... the only way to be saved was to repent and believe Jesus was the Messiah or perish. (see also Rev 3:9)


Luke 17:30 "even so it will be in the day when the Son of Man is REVEALED"

This is what the book of Revelation is all about ... revealing who Jesus the man really was.

The coming of Jesus was to be in the form of a REVELATION ... when the flood started coming the people of Noah's day KNEW they had missed the boat ... when the fire and brimstone from heaven started falling on the people of Sodom they knew that God was coming in judgment on them ... and so also did the Jews in AD70 when they saw the Jerusalem burning and the temple destroyed.


Mat 24:29  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Immediately after the tribulation of THOSE days ... "

Jesus tells his disciples that there would be NO GAP between the tribulation of THOSE days and His second coming. A period of approx 2000 years of delay certainly does not qualify as 'immediately'. (Please note that the stars falling from heaven is not a literal collapse of our galaxy as some speculate ...but a figurative/Hebraic description of the end of the Old Covenant with the nation/tribes of Israel. The story of salvation of the elect and Gentiles continues after this event.)


Mat 24:30  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "THEN the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heaven and THEN all the tribes of the earth (or promised land) will mourn ...and THEY will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."


Jesus tells his disciples that the vision of Dan 7:13-14 would be fulfilled after the tribulation which was shortly to come ON ISRAEL. This was God coming in JUDGMENT on the nation. The Roman army was the tool God used (just as He had previously come riding on a cloud to Egypt in Is 19:1 and used the Assyrian army as per Is 20:4). God is Spirit.

They who were to mourn were the people i.e.THEY who killed Jesus (Rev 1:7) and were still alive in AD70 ... and certainly not the Gentiles or Catholics or even Europeans some 2000 years later.


Mat 24:33  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "So when YOU see all these things KNOW that it is near at the doors."

Jesus tells his disciples THEY would see these things...and know that the the end of the Old Covenant was near. Why would He have warned them if it was not relevant to them? James 5:9 tells us 'Behold the judge is standing at the door' and Peter 4:17 tell us 'The time has come for the judgment to begin at the house of God' because they KNEW the signs had been fulfilled by the time they wrote their epistles. 


Mat 24:34  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Assuredly, I say to YOU, this generation will by no means pass away till ALL these things take place."

Jesus tells his disciples that THEIR current generation would not pass away till ALL these things had taken place. (There is no ambiguity as the Greek for ''this generation" always means exactly what we know it says). This means Christ's second coming was to happen before AD73 ... or you allow the argument that 'Jesus was mistaken'? We then allow the cynics to say 'if He was wrong about that, how do you know He was not wrong about other things'


Luke 18:31   (Jesus speaking to the apostles)  "Behold, we are going to Jerusalem, and ALL THINGS that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED"

Some would have us believe that there are today prophecies from Ezekiel and Zechariah concerning Jesus which are still to be fulfilled. The fulfllment of ALL things written was set train from the moment Jesus went to Jerusalem and challenged the religious leaders of Jerusalem in AD33. And according to Jesus and the prophets the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem was the sign ALL was accomplished.


Mat 24:36 (Jesus speaking to the apostles)  "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only"

Jesus alludes to the time between His coming death and return as being like a pregnancy (birth pangs Mat 24:8). We all know that 40 weeks is the usual duration of a pregnancy for natural birth but at the beginning you do not KNOW the actual day or hour. BUT when you see the sign of serious contractions start to happen you certainly know that it will be within the next day or two (even if you do not know the hour).  You are not going to be wrong by 2000 years.


Mat 24:42  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."

Jesus tells his disciples that THEY must watch ... this would have no relevance if it were not going to happen in their lifetimes.


Mat 24:44  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Therefore you also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour YOU do not expect."

Jesus tells his disciples that THEY must be ready ... this again would have no relevance if it were not going to happen in their lifetimes.


Mat 25:13  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."

Jesus tells his disciples that THEY must watch ... this again would have no relevance if it were not going to happen in any of their lifetimes.


Mat 25:19  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "After a long time the Lord of THOSE servants came and settled accounts with THEM"

The parable is about the return of the absent master who was coming in judgment on THOSE under the Law. Israel had been entrusted with the Law to reach the nations. THEY did not produce any fruit ...and they were the ones who would soon be judged.


Mat 25:31  (Jesus speaking to disciples)  "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him,THEN He will sit on the throne of His glory'.

This verse is not suddenly referring to another coming - and certainly not to an event to occurr some 2000 year later. It is the same coming Jesus has been speaking about from the beginning of Mat 24:1... the same one the apostles asked about in vs 3. It is the same coming of The Son of Man in Dan 7:13-14 (also Mat 22:44 quoting Psalm 110:1, Eph 1:22 Heb 1:13, etc) ... His coming in judgment of Israel using the all the nations that made up the Roman Empire (the world at that time) to mete out as his sword. It is also referring to the same judgement of Revelations 20:11-15.


Mat 26:64  (Jesus speaking to the high priest)  "I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven."

Jesus tells the high priest and elders that THEY would see Jesus coming just as Dan 7:13-14 had prophecied ... and it was to be in their lifetimes.


John 5:25-29  (Jesus speaking to the Jews)  "Most assuredly I say to you, The hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man; and those who hear will live.  ... The Father ... has given Him ... authority to execute judgment. For the hour is coming in which ALL who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth ... those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation "

Jesus tells the Jews that the Hour NOW IS when those who hear the voice of God will live (ie those called by God who believe), BUT another hour is coming when those already in the graves (ie Israelites who died under the Law), would be raised to face a judgment according to their works (ie of the Law) (Dan 12:1-3).

This refers to the white throne judgment of Revelation 20:11-15 and Mat 25:31-46 facing Israelites who had died before Christ came as Messiah.. and those among them living in AD33 who rejected Jesus and did refused to believe in Him.


John 11:24-26  (Jesus speaking with Martha)    (Martha) "I know  that he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day" ... Jesus said to her "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 

AND whoever lives and believes in Me shall NEVER die. Do You believe this?

Jesus had spoken clearly of this in His preaching to the Jews and the disciples (Jn 6:39, 40, 44&54). Here he again shows Martha that there is a distinction between those who died before His coming and those who die from then on. Those in sheol (the grave) would be raised on the last day of the OLD COVENANT (Dan 12:1-3) they would not be 'left behind'. (The last day was the last day or end of the Old Covenant which was about to occur in AD70). But Jesus emphasises the new way that applies to those believed in Him after His first Coming and His resurrection. .... because from then onwards they would already have Jesus LIFE in them ... the  Holy Spirit (i.e. eternal life). AND from then onwards in the New Covenant, ALL who lived (after the AD70 judgment of Israel) and believed in Him shall NEVER DIE. We will never be separated from Christ... we will never face judgment... because we already have the gift of eternal LIFE. We bypass sheol (or the grave) and go straight into Jesus presence. (John 5:24, John 12:48, John 8:51)

I ask you, as Jesus asked Martha... "Do YOU believe this?"


Mat 27:50-52 "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit .... the earth quaked ... and many of the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised ... and coming out of the graves after His resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many."

This is the first resurrection and is spoken of in Daniel 12:2, Mat 25:31-34 and Rev 20...and was applicable to Old Testament Israelite saints only. It was NOT applicable to those who were Jesus brethren (vs 40) (i.e. New Testament gentile believers who have become children of God by grace through faith John 1:12-13)


Mat 25:46 "And these will go away to everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life."

This is the judgement which followed the second resurrection and is spoken of in Daniel 12:2 and Rev 20:11-15 (identified as the white throne judgement) and was also applicable to Israel only. (They were judged according to their works and in the New Covenant 'by the works of the law no man can be saved' Gal 2:16, Rom 3:20, and Rom 10:3) 

Both the resurrection and the judgment were to be completed before AD73 as per Daniel 12:7 and Mat 24:34 ... and according to the scripture above (and historical records Mat 27:52-53) they were!


John 8:39 "But this spoke He concerning the Spirit whom those believing in Him would receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified."

Jesus was certainly glorified 40 days after resurrection and following His assention because at the day of Pentecost (the 50th day) the Holy Spirit was given (John 16:7). This sign confirmed propheticaly that the LAST Days of the age of the Law of Moses had commenced (Acts 2:16-21) which would end with 'the great and terrible Day of the Lord' (i.e. at His second coming). 


Mat 28:20 "Lo I am with you always even to the end of the age"

This was of great consolation as they were to face years of persecution and tribulation until the second coming when Jesus enemies were finally made His footstool in AD70. In the age to come (when there was to be no temple) God would again, as in the Garden of Eden, dwell or tabernacle with men (Rev 21:3&22). We as children of God will never again be separated from His presence. (Rom 8:35-39)

This again confirms that some of the apostles and the disciples (the YOU addressed in this verse) were going to be alive to experience 'the end of the age' and Jesus' second coming. (John 21:21-24)


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